Public Service Commission Update
July 23, 2018
On July 23rd, North Salem Town Supervisor Warren Lucas and I were interviewed by the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) as part of their ongoing investigation into NYSEG's operations in our area. We discussed, in great detail, NYSEG's response to the March nor'easters, along with the troubling increase of frequent and prolonged power outages, including the rash of recent non-weather related outages. While fallen trees have historically been the leading cause of power outages, we are currently witnessing an increasing number of outages resulting from an outdated electrical system. We also continue to communicate our disgust with NYSEG over their refusal to pay out claims, as Con Ed has already done.
In New York, electric utilities are licensed and regulated at the state level; so, the only recourse to hold NYSEG accountable, either through fines, investigations/audits, or the revocation of their license, lies with the New York Public Service Commission. This is all the more reason why our local, county and state representatives, as well as local residents, must continue to press the PSC to take action. The Department of Public Service has informed the Town that their next step will be to visit the area in order to tour the state of NYSEG's infrastructure. Furthermore, they met with NYSEG officials on July 11th to discuss allocating more resources to the maintenance of their infrastructure in Somers.
In the meantime, the Town's Utility Task Force, formed to monitor NYSEG’s activities and recommend local action to harden their infrastructure, held another meeting earlier this month. NYSEG staff reported on the status of their maintenance work; and, provided an update on their vegetation management work, which has been significantly increased in our area after years of inactivity. Minutes from that meeting can be found on the Town's website.
If you should have any questions, please feel free to call my office at 914-277-3637 or email me at
Rick Morrissey, MPA
Town Supervisor
Town of Somers
335 Route 202
Somers, NY 10589
Ph: 914-277-3637
Fax: 914-276-0082